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Join date: Jan 24, 2023


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Hi I am Lauren, one of the owners of Ralphie's (the other being my better half). This venture is very important to me trying to spread the word that there is a much better alternative then the typical dog treats in shops.

I started as a nieve dog owner at 20. This is when we got Thor our first dog, a very hansome Black Labrador (I went to get hay for the horse and came back with him). He very quickly became my best friend and my protector. He was my companion through starting our family and got me through long deployments, when my husband was away.

I learnt so much through owning him. Once I realised how bad the feed was he was on, I made it my mission to give him the best diet we could. This included all these yummy treats.

His face was a picture of pure joy when he knew you were getting his goodies out.

When our eldest was a baby she would have episodes of stopping breathing in her sleep. Thor knew everytime this happened and would bark and jump on our bed to wake me up. If it wasnt for him the doctors think we would of probably lost our daughter to cot death. Literally can't thank him enough.

I miss my boy something rotten.

I will tell you the story how Bounty joined our family another day.

But enough about me. I would love to hear your stories. 😀

PS. I apologise writting is really not my strong suit.


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